
Showing posts from August, 2023

Exploring Data Recovery Strategies Beyond Backup

With the increasing frequency of ransomware attacks, it is crucial to ensure your organization has a solid data recovery strategy. Almost every news article about ransomware mentions the need for good backups. Maintaining a good set of backups is one of the key strategies for mitigating the damage caused by the attacks. But backups alone are not enough. One of the topics I find has not been discussed is the recovery plan. Pre-planning is critical to a successful data recovery strategy. Many organizations plan their systems to meet a specific “Backup Window”. When I talk to clients, often the first thing they want to discuss is “How fast can the data be backed up?”. In my experience, what many organizations fail to do is plan for the recovery window. Backups are worthless if you are unable to recover or recover quickly enough. Below are a few topics that should be considered when reviewing your organization's recovery plan: Do you have defined data types with Service Level Agreement

Flash Storage: A Game-Changer in Enterprise Data Centers

Organizations constantly are seeking new ways to address workload-specific storage demands in terms of performance and capacity while also meeting service-level agreements, response-time objectives, and recovery point objectives. Many information technology operations are inspired by successful hyper-scale organizations such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon. However, most enterprises lack the scale and substantial development and operations commitment necessary to deploy software-defined storage infrastructure in the same ways. Hyperscale economics also typically don’t work out at a smaller scale, resulting in poor utilization or unacceptable reliability issues. Another hurdle for enterprise information technology is that hyper scale organizations typically have a very small, tightly controlled application environment that facilitates these economies of scale. In contrast, most large enterprises must deploy storage infrastructure to serve a heterogeneous application workload with diver